Twins: The Sam & Chris Story(2006)
6:02 Mins - Short/Live Action
SYNOPSIS:Sam (OUTSOURCED's Rizwan Manji) and Chris (Andy Brown) are "identical twins", or at least that's what their mother told them. They've been blind since birth, so they have no idea how different they actually are! And their friends and neighbors don't have the heart to tell them the truth.
ANDY'S NOTES:"Twins..." was team D.O.A.'s entry into the 2nd Annual 72 Hour Film Shootout hosted by the Asian American Filmlab. (Also see Hyde & Sikh.) At the begining of the 72hrs, teams were given the theme "A.K.A." on which to base their 6 minute films.
Feeling the pressure from our 1st Runner-up entry the previous year, deciding on a idea for our film was difficult. We wanted to keep pushing the envelope on political correctness and finally ended up on this idea of blind siblings of different races who believed they were identical twins. We turned in the film beleiving that it was even better than Hyde & Sikh! But we didn't even place in the top 15. We were left quite confused and deheartened. We like to think the judges were so offended by our film that they disqualified it :-)